Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Target Number 37

Father visited me late yesterday evening.

I had finished putting the 36th and final coat of paint on my newest mask when He appeared before me, not appearing abruptly but slowly sliding into my awareness.  He gazed at me for but a moment, and then showed me my next Target:  a young girl.  She couldn't have been much older than ten years old.  I was confused, and understandably so.

I am mostly called on to deal with people that Father deems both unnecessary to His plan and potentially dangerous.  Target 36 I could possibly have envisioned to be dangerous, given his willpower, but a child?  There is no way someone so young could possibly be anything more than a frail, weak, delectable morsel to Father.

Sensing my doubt, He hurled me against the wall and held me there with one of His Arms.  I could hear the plaster cracking behind me.  The message was very clear:  I was not to ask questions.  He would not be disobeyed.  A child she may be, but however old, she was my new Target.  Father released me and, with a final, feral growl to ensure that I understood my place, He disappeared.

Understand that I have no qualms about my current Target.  For Father, I would set fire to an orphanage.  In my earlier days, for that matter, I did, but that is a story for another time.  For Father, I would eliminate the entire population of a retirement home for the infirm.  The age of the Target matters little to me, as does physical or mental condition.  If it is Father's Will that they be eliminated, then I do so gladly.  I am simply disappointed that after the challenge provided by 36, I have been assigned the elimination of a child.

She has no connection to any runners that I have been able to discover.  There is no one in her life with any connections to Father.  She hasn't interacted with any of the runner's blogs, or the Proxy blogs, for that matter.  There are others in her school who have, believing it to be a game.  Yet she alone has been singled out as a Target.

But, I digress.  That is enough for now.  I had initially intend to discontinue this blog after the elimination of 36, but have since decided against that course of action.  There are too many interesting people, runners and Proxies alike.  If I were to leave now, I do believe I'd become terribly bored.

I am here to stay.


  1. You know-- the more I read about you, the more I realize that you're a lot deeper than you seem. Still a douche. But deep.

    1. I believe there's a 'deep douche' joke in there somewhere, but I cannot be bothered to search for it at the moment.

    2. What's got your feathers ruffled?

      Nah, if there had been a joke, I'd have included the word "cleansing" in there somewhere.

    3. Time spent on humor could be time spent on killing. Therefore, I will not bother with humor when I could bother with killing.

  2. Appearances can be deceiving. Don't underestimate your target because they appear weak and don't approach this with less caution than you would any other target.

    1. I intend to be cautious, but thank you for the reminder. Even so, I cannot imagine a child being very dangerous.
